Are invited voices harming your health?

Are the VOICES pouring into you each day SUPPORTING you as you GROW or are they DEPLETING YOU?

Though some voices will be uninvited, what about those INVITED VOICES?

THE VOICES you CHOOSE or PERMIT to take up residence in your heart and mind?

THESE VOICES subconsciously permeate your SPIRIT and SOUL.

They are granted the ability to deeply influence and guide your THOUGHTS leading to BELIEFS that cause you to BLOOM or WITHER.

Those whom you FOLLOW on social media, books, television shows, various forms of media, music, and beyond are impacting YOUR degree of PEACE on the daily.

Just as eating genetically modified foods laced in pesticides are H A R M F U L to your vessel, so is unfiltered information that pours into your mind with little thought of it’s CUMULATIVE AND LONG LASTING effects.

The seeds of FEAR, DECEPTION, ANGER, BITTERNESS, HATE, UNWORTHINESS, COMPARISON, NEGATIVITY and more can take ROOT in your life and create literal devastation.

Deep roots, both good and bad, are created SLOWLY and often with little notice to the beauty or firestorm they are developing.

Through the years I’ve become VERY PARTICULAR with WHOM I allow to be a voice in my LIFE.

I paid a PRICE listening to certain voices that instead of EMPOWERING, DISEMPOWERED me.

I gave them too much undeserved POWER and the result was lack of PEACE, CONFUSION and SUFFERING both physically and mentally.

Today I TRUST in the HOLY SPIRIT living inside me to bring DISCERNMENT.


We live in an age, where I believe, there are far too many voices pouring into our minds. This information age hasn’t brought more peace, calm, connection and rest.
In fact, what I witness consistently is the exact opposite.

HEALTH is my PASSION BUT it was once my PAIN.

My deep pain tucked away in the dark crevices of my body and soul.

For 30 years, I was on an often intense journey of learning to believe in my God-given abilities and WHO I AM in Him, not who the loudest voices or worse, perhaps my own voice, say I am.

The path was rocky.

Believing countless LIES and some MISGUIDED beliefs impacted not only my mental health but my physical health.

This is the foundation for EVERYTHING in our lives.


These voices MATTER GREATLY because they impact your identity.

They can and will change the trajectory of YOU being WHO you were CREATED to be in this life.

These voices have the power to affect you in ALL areas of your life, including your WELLNESS. Living continually in a state of chronic stress shuts down the metabolic system, the digestive

system, and the immune system.

Ever wonder why your body won’t release weight?

Perhaps the voices you are continually absorbing are creating chronic stress in your life.

Digestive issues that seem to never end despite your greatest efforts?

Perhaps stress is making it difficult for you to digest life.

The domino effect is real.

Choose voices that SPEAK LIFE, not DEATH over your health, dreams, capabilities and desires.

There is HOPE. There is POSSIBILITY. There is PEACE that awaits you.
I know because God has walked hand and hand with me to this very place. This week I encourage you to FILTER the INVITED VOICES in your life. Are these voices CHALLENGING yet ENCOURAGING and SUPPORTIVE?

OR Are these voices leaving you feeling UNWORTHY, HOPELESS, INCAPABLE and filled with FEAR and STRESS?

So CHOOSE WISELY but know you don’t have to do this alone.

Inviting the Lord to rule and reign over your life will be THE GREATEST decision you ever make.

Asking Him to help filter the voices pouring into you will bring ABUNDANT PEACE and TRUE REST.

It’s from this place that you can begin to THRIVE, not merely SURVIVE. Sending you all much LOVE and LIGHT!


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